For the assignment of songs’ rights, Grupo ANIMA, thanks.

"Euclides Talabyan (in memoriam) and José Aleksandro Rosa Corrêa (Alex), Casa Fanti Ashanti, São Luís, Maranhão: Rei do Mar"

Mãe Sandra de Xadantã (Sandra Aparecida Furtado), Casa Kwê Mina Odan Axé Boço Da-ho, São Paulo: Rei Sebastião, Se a maré não fosse tão grande, Chamei na Praia, sung by Pai Francelino de Xapanã." "

Tremembé people from Córrego João Pereira, Acaraú, Ceará, Chief Cacique João Venâncio, Getúlio Tremembé and Vânia Dummar: Vidju, Água de Mani.

Daniella da Cunha Gramani: Mel Poema composed by her father José Eduardo Gramani.

Paulo Baiano, Roberto Machado e Tácito Borralho for the information about bumba-meu boi from Baixada Maranhense, with a Pindaré accent: Se a Maré não fosso tão grande.”

The photos on which the graphic composition of this booklet was made were taken in the Taklamakan Desert, in China (2006), on the sands of Trancoso, Bahia and on the sands of the Sahara, and the Western USA, by photographer Fernando Laszlo, to whom we are very grateful.

Grupo ANIMA thanks The National Library of Portugal, for the rights to use the Batalha de Alcácer-Quibir engraving, in Miscellanea (1629), by Miguel Leitão de Andrade (1553-1630)

The guardian of photographs and heritage of Nossa Senhora da Conceição de Almofala Church, Mr. José de Fátima, who representes Pe. Aristides de Andrade Sales Museum, Itarema, Ceará, and Jéssica Garces, for helping us to research these precious images

Grupo ANIMA thanks professor Walnice Nogueira Galvão, anthropologist and professor Mundicarmo Ferretti, Associação Cultural Cachuera! and Estúdio Sala Viva for always being generously by our side.