

The CD cover ESPELHO / MIRROR (2006), which as the first three follows the hardcover sewn pattern, contains 84 pages and features the precious photos taken by the photographer from São Paulo, Fernando Laszlo and the photographer Gabi Bernd. Fernando was responsible for the photos of the instruments used by the ANIMA Group and the photos of the musicians. Gabi photographed mirrors that production (Érika Hino and Valeria Bittar) found in a large antiquarian on the outskirts of Campinas, which gave rise to the cover and each "dramatic sector" of the musical script (VERSO / REVERSE / CONTROVERSO / PRINCIPÍIO).
The 82 photos taken by Fernando Laszlo are available on the link: photos, in the sub-item: photos of the instruments- Fernando Laszlo. These photos are also the basis of our new website.
The art direction was once again signed by Valeria Bittar. The graphic design is written by Isabella Melo and Mickael Jacques. Illustrations based on medieval iconography were drawn by artist Isabella Melo.
Get to know the art of our MIRROR CD, "leafing through" the booklet. Click the page below to get started.